How You Can Protect Delicate Materials For Cargo Shipping
According to estimates by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics, in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration, massive amounts of freight are being shipped via the nation’s multimodal transportation network. On any given day, within the United States, more than 53 million tons are being shipped. These goods are valued at over $36 billion and are being transported more than 12 billion ton-miles. That’s a lot of shipping, especially when you take into account that international cargo shipments are not included in these numbers. Yes, it is true that not all of this cargo is made up of delicate materials and products. However, you need only consider that more than ten percent of this shipped freight is comprised of electronic, electrical, and office equipment, to realize the enormity of the need to protect delicate materials for cargo shipping.
How you can protect delicate materials for cargo shipping
During shipping, cargo can be subjected to many forces. These include impact force (shock), compressive stress (smashing force), and vibration. Impact forces may result as freight is jostled around in transit, due to rough roads, speed bumps, pot holes, and sudden stops, or as shipping containers are being loading or unloaded. Compressive stress can be due to container stacking or insufficient protective material between layers of product within the shipping container. Product may experience sustained vibration during over-the-road transit due to rough roads and adverse weather conditions. All of these situations can cause damaged or destroyed product. Consequently, it is important to know how you can protect delicate materials for cargo shipping. The use of Sorbothane is the best protection against damage and loss due to shock, compressive stress, and vibration, during shipping.
What is Sorbothane and how does it protect delicate materials for cargo shipping
Sorbothane is a unique proprietary viscoelastic polymer. Viscoelastic means that Sorbothane exhibits properties of both liquids (viscous solutions—ones that can flow) and solids (elastic materials). Sorbothane flows like a liquid when it is under a load (experiencing shock, compressive stress, or vibration). It acts like an elastic solid by returning to its original shape after forces are removed. Unique to viscoelastic materials, Sorbothane disperses absorbed energy (from shock, compressive stress, or vibration) outward from the source of impact in the form of heat, protecting delicate materials. In many applications, Sorbothane has achieved shock absorption of near 95% and it absorbs shock efficiently for millions of cycles. It can also withstand the broad range of temperatures encountered during shipping without hardening, melting, becoming sticky, or losing its effectiveness. So, in short, you need to know– just how you can protect delicate materials for cargo shipping. Sorbothane® is specified by engineers worldwide for its shock reducing properties. It is scientifically proven to be the finest cushioning material available.
Standard Sorbothane products and customization
The Sorbothane line includes standard products that will protect your delicate materials for cargo shipping. Our Anti-Vibration Pads, available in a variety of sizes, are essential when packing containers of sensitive hardware, optics, or electronics. Sheet Stock is also available to assist you in packing unusually shaped or oversized loads. Additional protection is supplied by Sorbothane Pallet Isolation Rings—rings that will absorb shock and vibration before it reaches your delicate cargo. Customization is also available by contacting our engineering staff.
Sorbothane can fulfill your unique shipping needs
The National Park Service and the Philadelphia Museum of Art entrusted Sorbothane with a national treasure. They placed their complete confidence in a specially designed Sorbothane isolation system that protected the historic Liberty Bell from further damage as it was successfully transported 935 feet to its new home.
Contact Sorbothane for further information on our standard products or to find out how our engineers can work with you to develop a unique solution for your shipping challenges.