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How to Get Help with Material Force Absorption
Sources of force that transmit unwanted energy Impact force, vibration, compressive stress, acoustical shock, and shear force—sources of undesirable energy that can result in injury, damage, and loss, when not properly controlled. As these various types of forces impact your workers, machinery, and products, they transfer energy that causes damage to—sensitive product shipments, employee hearing, […]
What is a Good Material for Shock Absorption?
Situations exist all around us in which people, products, and equipment are subjected to impact shock. It is important that you understand shock and are aware of effective shock protection. Impact force is a force that delivers a shock or high impact in a relatively short period of time. It happens when two bodies—of any […]
The Best Material For “Impact Protection”
When two bodies (of any kind) collide—impact one another—the exact moment of collision is known as the point of impact. At this point, a shock is delivered by the force of the impact. This impact force will increase with speed and the size of the colliding bodies. The shock, generated by the impact force, is […]
The Best Isolator Material
What is an isolator and why is it needed? Whether we are considering industrial equipment, home appliances, delicate electronics, a runner’s feet, or a worker’s hearing—there are damaging forces all around us. When these forces (impact force, compressive stress, shear force, vibration, and sound waves) impact people, equipment, and products, they can cause injury and […]
What is a Good Material That’s Used for Noise Damping?
Noise is unwanted sound—and it is all around us. Some noises you perceive to be merely annoying. These might include noise produced by: the spin cycle of your washing machine, the blender that’s making your smoothie, the power tools that are being used out in the garage, your son’s stereo playing in the next room, […]
What’s the Best Material for Insoles?
As most people move throughout the day, they spend a great deal of time punishing their feet. Whether walking, running, standing for prolonged periods, or engaging in sporting activity, your feet are being subjected to forces that can cause, not only discomfort, but serious medical issues. Forces that need to be controlled Every time that […]
How You Can Protect Delicate Materials For Cargo Shipping
According to estimates by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics, in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration, massive amounts of freight are being shipped via the nation’s multimodal transportation network. On any given day, within the United States, more than 53 million tons are being shipped. These goods are valued at over […]
What is Impact Force and How to Protect Against It
When considering situations in which your products, equipment, and workers are subjected to impact, it is important that you understand—just impact force. Impact force is a force that delivers a shock or high impact in a relatively short period of time. It occurs when two entities collide. This collision is the result of one object […]
How to Find a High Pressure Vibration Damping Material
When considering situations in which your products, equipment, and workers are subjected to vibration, it is important that you understand the concept of high pressure vibration and to know how to find a high pressure vibration damping material. Vibration is an oscillating energy made up of cyclically repeated forces of specific frequencies. The energy that […]
What is a High Damping Acoustical Material?
Sounds are vibrations in a range of frequencies that we can hear. Vibration is an oscillating energy made up of cyclically repeated forces of specific frequencies. The energy that is transferred to an entity by these forces causes the back and forth or up and down movement called vibration. Since vibration is caused by waves […]